Photography during child birth
My wife was actually in Labour for around 47 hours – mind you we didn’t actually realise this until the last 24 hours when what we thought was initially Braxton hicks were actually contractions and the latent phase of labour. We were admitted to the antenatal assessment unit in hospital where we discovered we were pretty much in established labour and our daughter was getting ready to make her way into the world. On this knowledge we were given a bed on the ward to wait for active labour to kick in and monitor our little girl’s heart rate. After a few hours, some pain relief, a nap and some bouncing on the birthing ball my wife was finally ready to make the transition to the labour ward and begin the active phase of labour. During the night and into the early hours of the morning the contractions became more and more intense and eventually she had an epidural and her waters broken. At about 2:30 the midwife examined my wife and to her surprise our daughter was already waiting to enter the world. As she was waiting for assistance to arrive, before anyone could get there my wife had already pushed our daughter out in 10 mins and our daughter was born at 2:45! I had the pleasure of cutting the cord and our little bundle of joy was cleaned up and handed into our arms. Below are a few photos I took during the event which pretty much tell the story. Welcome to the world my beautiful baby girl Nikita Maisie Causon.

5 responses
A very dramatic and well documented moments of a couple waiting for their child to come into the big wide world.
The black and white finish give a very especial effect.
Probably the best trail of photos depicting the journey of my beautiful granddaughters arrival into the world. They document the final journey of a mother and her baby in a sensitive story told through images. Fantastic results.
Dave this is absolutely awesome what fantastic precious memories for you all xxx amazing!!! Xx
Huge congrats mate! So special and what wonderful photos. Enjoy every second. Best wishes.
Thank you David for the kind words.